SCH Number 2015062049

Project Info

Upper Main Ditch Piping Project
Note: Per Lead Agency, the FEIR is available to the public on the Lead Agency's website here: The project includes construction of a new pipe connection downstream of the Forebay valve house, piping of the flows currently conveyed through the ditch, and improvements to the inlet facility at the Reservoir 1 WTP to include construction of a new metering vault and a new energy dissipation structure at the end of the discharge pipe.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
El Dorado Irrigation District Upper Main Ditch Piping Project
El Dorado Irrigation District Upper Main Ditch Piping Project
El Dorado Irrigation District Upper Main Ditch Piping Project
El Dorado Irrigation District Upper Main Ditch Piping Project