SCH Number 2015052067

Project Info

Stream & Diffuser Enhancement Project
CDFW has executed streambed alteration agreement no. 1600-2015-0141-R2, pursuant to section 1602 of the fish and game code to the project applicant, Quincy Community Services District (the Permittee) as represented by Larry Sullivan. The project consists of installation of a boulder cross-vane into Spanish Creek where the diffuser pipe is located. The boulder cross-vane will increase the immediate, on-site stream gradient, concentrate flows towards the center of the channel and its upstream end, increase streamflow velocities and turbulence within the structure and disperse flows across the channel at its downstream end. In order to construct the boulder cross-vane, an access road will be built along the south bank of Spanish Creek. The access road will be constructed using gravel from the gravel bar. The access road will be removed following construction of the boulder cross-vane. A coffer dam will be constructed to dewater the creek to allow for the installation of the cross-vane. Additional stream enhancements within Spanish Creek include: removal of a downstream sheet-pile dam that causes Spanish Creek to back up and create two large gravel bars. Following removal of the sheet-pile dam, approximately 700 cy of gravel will be removed from the creek to lower the creek to its active floodplain elevation. To help manage cattle use in the stream and riparian areas, the two fence segments that cross the creek will be removed and a new fence containing two gates will be installed on top of the north-side bank. The two gates will help provide cattle access to water and the landowner access to his irrigation pump. A temporary water gap fence will be installed. This temporary fence will be removed each year prior to the winter season. Project will result in 0.02 acres of permanent impacts in stream from installation of the cross-vane. 0.02 acres of temporary impacts to un-vegetated stream bank will occur from installation of the access road.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Quincy Community Services District Stream and Diffuser Enhancement Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2015-0141-R2)
Quincy Community Services District Stream & Diffuser Enhancement Project