SCH Number 2015041088

Project Info

One Charter Oak Residential Development Project
On January 5, 2016, the City Cuncil of Covina adopted a MND and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the One Charter Oak Residential Development Project. The applicant is propsing to demolish the exisitng structures located on the project site and construct 63 detached single family detached homes at a density of approximately 7.7 units per acre. A 2-acre portion of the project site would be a City park. The park would be bound to the north by Cypress Avenue, to the east by Kidder Avenue, to the west by Banna Avenue, and to the south by the proposed residential development. For the portion of the project site that would be redeveloped and a zone change from R-1-7500 Residential Zone (Single Family) to RD (Multiple Family) with a Planned Community Development Overlay would also be required. For the portion of the site that would be a City park, a General Plan Amendment from School to Park would be required, and a zone change from R-1-7500 Residential Zone to R-R would also be required. Establishment of a park on this portion of the project site would also require a development agreement and a purchase and sale agreement.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Covina One Charter Oak Residential Development Project
City of Covina One Charter Oak Residential Development Project
City of Covina One Charter Oak Residential Development Project