SCH Number 2014062072

Project Info

Providence Mine Cleanup
The Sierra Streams Institute is requesting $342,211 in funding from the Sierra Nevada Conservancy's Propisition 84 Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Grant Program to begin to implement the Removal Action Workplan (RAW) approved by the Department of Toxic Substances Control for this Nevada City property in order to eliminate a significant source of contamination resulting from historic gold mining practices at the Providence Mine Remediation Project area in Nevada City, Nevada County, California. This project would plug the existing mine shaft depression; excavate loose, unstable mine waste in the eastern slope down to native soil; stabilize the active landslide on the eastern slope by installing an earth retaining structure (gabion wall); and stabilize the mine waste slope by revegetating and regarding. The proposed project would also install interpretive signs to introduce the public to the history and legacy of the Providence Mine. The project would cleanup the abandoned Providence Mine, protecting water quality and public health (Deer Creek is a drinking water source) and resulting in the safe reuse as a recreational trail corridor.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Providence Mine Remediation Project (SNC 775)
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Providence Mine Cleanup
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Providence Mine Site Project (#1600-2014-0070-R2)
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Providence Mine Cleanup