SCH Number 2014041071

Project Info

Pier 1 N. Drydock, Associated Real Estate Agreements & Removal of Cooling Tunnels
The San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board is issuing a Clean Water Act Section 401 water quality certification (Cert. No. R9-2015-0080) to the project applicant. The applicant proposes to 395,000 cubic yards of dredging, pile driving, installation/retrofit of two mooring dolphis and wharf structures, a permanent sheetpile wall, and associated infrastructure and utilities. Disposal of dredged material includes upland disposal, ocean disposal, and in-bay reuse to fill in a portion of the former South Bay Power Plant cooling water intake channel for the purposes of creating eelgrass habitat to mitigate for project impacts.
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5 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Diego Unified Port District Pier 1 North Dry Dock, Associated Real Estate Agreements & Removal of Cooling Tunnels Project
San Diego Unified Port District Pier 1 North Drydock, Future Real Estate Agreements & Removal of Cooling Tunnels
San Diego Unified Port District Pier 1 North Drydock, Future Real Estate Agreements & Removal of Cooling Tunnels
San Diego Unified Port District Pier 1 N. Drydock, Associated Real Estate Agreements & Removal of Cooling Tunnels
San Diego Unified Port District Pier 1 North Drydock, Future Real Estate Agreements & Removal of Cooling Tunnels