SCH Number 2013012064

Project Info

South Lathrop Specific Plan
Approval of Permit No. 19206, under CA Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 6, for work within an adopted plan of flood control, within a Regulated Stream (Table 8.1; Title 23, Div. 1, Article 8): To construct a drainage outfall structure through the right (east) bank levee (Mossdale, Unit 2) of the San Joaquin River.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Lathrop South Lathrop Specific Plan
City of Lathrop South Lathrop Regional Outfall Project (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreeemnt No. 1600-2016-0260-R2)
City of Lathrop South Lathrop Regional Outfall Project
City of Lathrop South Lathrop Specific Plan
City of Lathrop South Lathrop Specific Plan
City of Lathrop South Lathrop Specific Plan
City of Lathrop South Lathrop Specific Plan