SCH Number 2012102052

Project Info

DuPont Oakley Site Plume 3 Groundwater Corrective Measures Project; U.S. EPA ID. No. CAD009151671
The project is located at the Dupont Oakley Site, 6000 Bridgehead Road, in the town of Oakley. The project consists of constructing three types of wells as part of an in-situ groundwater remediation project at the inactive manufacturing site. The project will permanently and temporarily impact waters of the United States.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Addendum to the Negative Declaration of the Plume 3 Groundwater Corrective Measures Project, DuPoint Oakley Site; U.S. EPA ID. NO. CAD. 009 151 671
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Addendum to the Negative Declaration of the Plume 3 Groundwater Corrective Measures Project, DuPoint Oakley Site; U.S. EPA ID. NO. CAD. 009 151 671
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) DuPont Oakley Site Plume 3 Groundwater Corrective Measures Project; U.S. EPA ID. No. CAD009151671