SCH Number 2011092080

Project Info

Clark Pacific Expansion Project
The application is a request for a rezone of portions of the project site consistent with land use designations in the Yolo County 2030 Countywide General Plan, resulting in a total of 142.6 acres of industrial zoned property; subdivision of the project site into several industrial zoned parcels and one 26-acre open space parcel, with Clark Pacific's current operations located on one 57-acre parcel; an amended and restated Development Agreement vesting the right to develop and offering community benefits; and a rescission of the existing Use Permit (Zone File #2007-078) that currently regulates Clark Pacific operations on a 90-acre portion of the site. The property is currently zoned Agricultural General (A-1) and Heavy Industrial (M-2).
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Yolo County Clark Pacific Expansion Project
Yolo County Clark Pacific Expansion Project
Yolo County Clark Pacific Expansion Project