SCH Number 2010101033
Project Info
- Title
- Sharpe Grading Permit
- Description
- The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game code to the Project applicant, Michael Sharpe, 1060 South San Rafael Avenue, Pasadena, California 91105. The Project consists of the removal and replacement of one (1) pedestrian bridge in the same location, foundation work at another pedestrian bridge, removal of creosote treated retaining walls and ornamental landscaping along the stream bank, recontouring of the stream banks to an approximate 1:1 slope, installation of willow wall revetments along the toe of the slope, revegetation of the stream banks with native plant species and installation of willow cuttings (Salix sp), along with western sycamore (Platanus racemose) and cottonwood (populous fremontii) container plantings within downstream portions of the stream channel.
3 documents in project