SCH Number 2009082066

Project Info

City of Vacaville Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Project
The City of Vacaville is proposing to construct the Filtration Phase of the Easterly Waste Water Treatment Plant Tertiary Treatment Project. The Filtration Phase specifically includes improvements necessary to meet Title 22 filtration and disinfection requirements that must be in operation at the treatment plant by May 2015. The EWWTP discharge is regulated by a NPDES permit from the Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (CVRWQCB). On April 25, 2008, the CVRWQCB issued Waste Discharge Order No. R5-2008-0055, NPDES Permit No. CA007769 requiring construction of the proposed improvements. An EIR was certified and a Use Permit was approved by the Planning Commission for all phases of the Tertiary Project on April 20, 2010. Each phase is subject to Design Review approval prior to implementation. The project is located within the boundaries of the 182 acre City owned property designated for public facility uses, of which approximately 30 acres is developed with the EWWTP facilities. The site is an incorporated parcel located 4.5 miles south east of Vacaville and is surrounded by unincorporated lands within the jurisdiction of Solano County.
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7 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Vacaville Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Treatment Project Filtration Phase-Design Review
City of Vacaville Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) No. C-06-4841-110,-120,-130, and -140
City of Vacaville Landscape Modification - Phase I
City of Vacaville Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Teritary Treatment Project
City of Vacaville City of Vacaville Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Project
City of Vacaville City of Vacaville Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Project
City of Vacaville City of Vacaville Easterly Wastewater Treatment Plant Tertiary Project