SCH Number 2009011017

Project Info

Serras Seawall
CDFG is executing a Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA # 1600-2008-0141-R6) pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project Applicant, Ms. Carole Serras, 13301 Summit Circle, City of Poway, State of Califonia, 92064, Phone (858) 679-1200. The Applicant is proposing to construct a vertical seawall on the property located at 39583 Lake Drive (APN 307-023-03). The seawall wiil be ~10 ft wide by 25 ft long and will be constructed from reinforced concrete, blocks, and 20 cubic yards of earthern fill. The total project footprint is 436 sf, of 0.01 acres. The vertical extent of the seawall will reach an elevation of 6,745 ft above sea level (ASL). The established high water level for Big Bear Lake Reservoir is 6,743 ASL.
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Big Bear Municipal Water District Serras Seawall Project
Big Bear Municipal Water District Serras Seawall
Big Bear Municipal Water District Serras Seawall