SCH Number 2008072076

Project Info

Rock Creek Canyon Specific Plan
Rock Creek Canyon Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), General Plan Amendment 09-001, Specific Plan (SP), & Tentative Tract Map (TTM) 37-59 A & B. The Board of Supervisors approved Resolution R10-90 that: 1) certified the FEIR; 2) approved General Plan Amendment 09-001 changing the designation of the 29-acre site from Rural Resort to Specific Plan, changed the maximum allowable size of a secondary unit to 750 sq ft, and approved certain nonconforming uses; 3) adopted the Specific Plan; and 4) approved TTM 37-59A and B. The project parcel (APN 026-330-003) is located at 7997 Lower Rock Creek Road (aka former Paradise Resort) in the unincorporated community of Sierra Paradise. The project includes 12 market-rate single-family residential lots, one parcel devoted to trailhead parking, and one 5.7 acre parcel of open space. All on-site development will be consistent with requirement of the proposed SP. The FEIR concludes that the project would have potentially significant and unavoidable adverse direct impacts on critical mule deer habitat and movement along a regional deer migration corridor and significant and unavoidable adverse cumulative impacts on visual resources in the community.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Mono County Rock Creek Canyon Specific Plan, EIR and Tentative Tract Map 37-59 A & B
Mono County Rock Creek Canyon Specific Plan
Mono County Rock Creek Canyon Specific Plan