SCH Number 2008071050
Project Info
- Title
- Movietown Specific Plan Project
- Description
- The applicant, Casden Movietown LLC, proposes to construct approximately 371 residential units and approximately 32,300 sf of retail/commercial uses. Of the residential units, approximately 294 would be for-sale market-rate condominiums and 74 would be affordable senior rental units ( 38 low income and 38 very low income) with one manager's unit. The Proposed Project would include a maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of 4:1 and provide approximately 868 parking spaces in the subterranean garage. No building frontage would exceed five stories on Santa Monica Boulevard and no building located elsewhere on the site would exceed 10 stories. Demolition of the existing 48,807 - square-foot Movietown Plaza shopping center would be required to allow for development of the Proposed Project. The Project Site is currently zoned CC, which limits building heights and 0.5 FAR.
3 documents in project