SCH Number 2007062106

Project Info

Fortuna Mill District Specific Plan
The Mill District Specific Plan (MDSP) is intended to implement the Fortuna General Plan 2030 Land Use Element Mill District Focus Area policies and facilitate the transformation of the former Pacific Lumber Company (PALCO) mill, which has been underutilized since its closure in 2004. The Mill District Focus Area policies aim to revitalize the local economy and enhance community amenities by accommodating mixed-use development that integrates residential, commercial, and compatible light-industrial development. The MDSP and corresponding General Plan and Zoning amendments will enable the flexible and beneficial redevelopment of the MDSP Area by allowing a diverse range of land uses, providing a balanced transportation network, protecting and enhancing the Strongs and Mill Creek riparian areas, and providing integrated open space areas. MDSP allowable land uses include mixed use, flex space, transportation, general commercial, advanced manufacturing, office, residential, and industrial activities. General Plan amendments to implement will revise the document narrative, the Mill District (MD) Land Use Designation, Mill District Focus Area policy, and modify industrial and commercial use caps in the Land Use Element. The General Plan Land Use Map will also be revised to expand the MDSP Area to include an adjacent underutilized light industrial/commercial area, remove non-MDSP areas, and apply an appropriate land use designation to the Riverwalk District land use change area. The MDSP implementing Zoning amendments will ensure consistency with the General Plan and include a new Q – Qualified Zone.
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8 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fortuna Fortuna Mill District Specific Plan–Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Report
City of Fortuna Fortuna Mill District Specific Plan
City of Fortuna Fortuna Housing Element (2014-2019)
City of Fortuna City of Fortuna General Plan Update Draft Program Environmental Impact Report
City of Fortuna City of Fortuna General Plan Update Draft Program Environmental Impact Report
City of Fortuna City of Fortuna General Plan Update
City of Fortuna City of Fortuna General Plan Update
City of Fortuna City of Fortuna General Plan Update Draft Program Environmental Impact Report