SCH Number 2005102104

Project Info

South Lakeport Annexation Project
Note: Tier off EIR & Addendum The City of Lakeport has prepared an Initial Study which concludes that the EIR for the City of Lakeport General Plan (2009) and an EIR Addendum (2014) are sufficient CEQA documents for the South Lakeport Annexation Project. The Project area is comprised of 50 parcels (123.64 acres) directly south of the City, adjacent to South Main Street and Soda Bay Road. The annexation area is within Lakeport's approved Sphere of Influence and is prezoned for Major Retail ("C2") and Industrial ("I") uses. The area is developed with commercial, industrial and residential uses. It is not presently served by a municipal water system. Sewage treatment is provided by Lakeport under an agreement with Lake Co. Sanitation District that expires in 2026.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Lakeport South Lakeport Annexation Project
City of Lakeport South Lakeport Annexation Project
City of Lakeport General Plan Update, City of Lakeport
City of Lakeport South Lakeport Annexation Project
City of Lakeport City of Lakeport General Plan Update
City of Lakeport City of Lakeport General Plan Update