SCH Number 2004061026

Project Info

StoneRidge Specific Plan
The California Department of Fish and Game is executing a Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2004-0207-R6 pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, First West Capital. The proposed project consists of the construction of 2,120 residential units on a 604-acre site. Grading within the unnamed wash on site has been avoided; however to provide access between the eastern and western portion of the development, two crossings are proposed to be constructed. These crossings will form portions of the planned Northern Spine Road and the Southern Spine Road, which cross the property in east-west alignments. The project will also include the widening of two existing roads that intersect the unnamed drainage onsite. These are Worsley Road, which forms the northwest boundary of the property, and West Pierson Blvd., which forms the southern boundary line of the property. The new road crossings will consist of a base course, a compacted subgrade and road cover. Culverts will be placed to avoid any impedance to flow in the drainage. Sidewalks will also be placed on both sides of the crossing to facilitate pedestrian traffic. The project will impact 0.11 acres of streambed. The impacts will be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio onsite.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Desert Hot Springs Stoneridge
City of Desert Hot Springs Stoneridge
City of Desert Hot Springs StoneRidge Specific Plan
City of Desert Hot Springs Stoneridge