SCH Number 2003061105

Project Info

Ventura College Master Plan
The project is a Campus Master Plan for Ventura College, which is intended to implement the Bond Measure S program, approved by the voters in March 2002, and to guide the long-term development of Ventura College through 2015. The Campus Master Plan identifies appropriate locations and design guidelines for the Bond Measure S projects on the Ventura College campus, as well as providing a guide for the future development of the campus beyond the expenditure of the Measure S bond funds. Enrollment at the College is forecasted to grow from the current (2002) 11,125 students to 11,873 in 2015. The current full-time students (FTES) enrollment of 4,066 is expected to increase to 4,720 FTES by 2015. The total campus building area is planned to expand by 25% from 465,408 sf to 580,412 sf, and the balance and mix of the various types of classrooms and other facilities would change to reflect current educational practices. Additionally, the Master Plan calls for the replacement of a number of buildings that have reached the end of their service life with more up-to-date facilities.
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Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) Ventura College Campus Master Plan
Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) Ventura College Master Plan
Ventura County Community College District (VCCCD) Ventura College Master Plan