SCH Number 2000042074

Project Info

Farad Diversion Dam Replacement Project
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife is executing Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement number 1600-2011-0144-R2, pursuant to Section 1602 of the Fish and Game Code to the project applicant, NV Energy. The project is limited to reconstruction of the Farad Diversion Dam and restoration of power generation from the 2.6 megawatt Farad Power Plant. The original Farad Diversion Dam was destroyed in a flood in January 1997. The proposed project includes the following components: 1) temporary water diversion, including mechanically stabilized earth wall; 2) temporary river crossing (bridge); 3) access road (river left) and portage trail (river right); 4) diversion structure, including roughened channels for fish passage and a boat/debris chute; 5) intake box structure and diversion conduit; 6) sediment detention channel with fish screen; 7) fish return and outfall; 8)flume reconstruction; 9) Old Highway 49 drainage improvements and 10) native plant vegetation. Bank and bed stabilization including mechanically stabilized earth walls, pre-formed grouted concrete, boulder boxes, and other stabilized materials will be installed to ensure the new facility can withstand a 100-year flood. Total construction area is about 7 acres.
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Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
State Water Resources Control Board Notification # 1600-2011-0144-R2 Farad Diversion Dam Replacement Project
State Water Resources Control Board Farad Diversion Dam
State Water Resources Control Board Farad Diversion Dam
State Water Resources Control Board Farad Diversion Dam
State Water Resources Control Board Farad Diversion Dam Replacement Project
State Water Resources Control Board Farad Diversion Dam