SCH Number 2000041122

Project Info

Santiago Hills II
A proposal to modify previous approvals form 2005 for the Santiago Hills II/East Orange Project ("Modified Project"). The Modified Project reduces the development acreage and number of allowed residential units within Santiago Hills II from a maximum of 1,746 units on 496 acres to 1,180 units on 396 acres. The Modified Project includes development of 1,180 residential units, one 4.7 acre private park in SHII South, one 4.8 acre private park in SHII North, 1.2 miles of regional trails, 1.5 miles of local trails, open space, landscaping street system, water quality treatment systems, and water, recycled water, sewer and other infrastructure systems to serve the development. To accommodate the Modified Project, the Applicant is requesting approval of: Zone Change 1281-16 to modify the previously-approved Santiago Hills Planned Community District Regulations; Development Agreement 0003-16 to modify the previously approved Development Agreement; Design Review No. 4847-16 to amend and replace the previously-approved SHII Design Guidelines; an amendment to the previously-approved Runoff Management Plan (ROMP); and Vesting Tentative Tract Map Nos. 17995, 17987, 17988, 17989, and 17990 to modify the previously approved street and lot layouts in certain areas and to further subdivide previously established lots within Santiago Hills II.
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9 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Orange Orange Heights Project (Project) (California Endangered Species Act (CESA) Incidental Take Permit No. 2081-2024-044-05 (ITP))
City of Orange Santiago Hills II Project (Part of the 2005 Approved Project, described as "Adoption of GPA, Runoff Management Plan, Urban Design Guidelines, and Tentative Trac
City of Orange Tentative Tract Map No. 0022-07 (TTM 17185) & Design Review Committee No. 4266-07 - East Orange Planned Community Area 2
City of Orange Santiago Hills II
City of Orange Santiago Hills II
City of Orange Santiago Hills II
City of Orange Santiago Hills II General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Annexation Agreement and Tentative Tract Map
City of Orange Santiago Hills II
City of Orange Santiago Hills II General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Annexation Agreement and Tentative Tract Map