SCH Number 1989052316

Project Info

Use Permit 00-24 (Anderson Landfill), an amendment of Use Permit 68-89
Changes that will be authorized by the issuance of revised SWFP No. 45-AA-0020, include: (1) an increase in the Maximum Depth of Excavation from 620 feet above mean sea level (aMSL) to 580 feet aMSL; (2) an increase in the total Design Capacity from an estimate of 13,000,000 cubic yards to a Design Capacity of 16,353,000 cubic yards; (3) an increase in the Remaining Capacity from 9,094,800 cubic yards to 11,914,025 cubic yards; and (4) an increase in the Estimated Closure Year from 2042 to 2055.
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6 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Shasta County Concurrence in the Issuance of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit - Facility No 45-AA-0020 for Anderson Landfill, Inc in Shasta County
Shasta County Concurrence in the Issuance of Revised Solid Waste Facility Permit (SWFP) No. 45-AA-0020 for the Anderson Landfill, Inc., Shasta County
Shasta County Use Permit 00-24 (Anderson Landfill), an amendment of Use Permit 68-89
Shasta County Use Permit 00-24 (Anderson Landfill), an amendment of Use Permit 68-89
Shasta County Use Permit 68-89 Anderson Soild Waste Landfill, ITE
Shasta County Use Permit 68-89 Anderson Soild Waste Landfill, ITE