Thursday, January 5, 2017

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47 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2017018053 Kern County PLN17-00015
2017018030 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Renewal of Leases for HayDay Farms and River Valley Ranches
2017018033 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 5 (CDFW) 2017-2018 Batiquitos Lagoon Maintenance Dredging
2017018050 Kern County PLN17-00020
2017018044 Kern County PLN17-00009
2017018047 Kern County PLN17-00023
2014062087 Sacramento County Mather South Community Master Plan
2017018041 Kern County PLN17-00005
2016092038 City of Benicia Benicia Water Reuse Project
2017018027 California Military Department - Office of the Adjutant General (CMD) Rancho Cordova Consolidated Headquarters Complex Design - Geotechnical Borings
2017018045 Kern County PLN17-00010
2014042068 City of Modesto North Valley Regional Recycled Water Program, Wastewater Change Petition WW0088
2017018048 Kern County PLN17-00024
2017012011 City of Berkeley 2190 Shattuck Avenue Mixed-Use Project
2017018028 California Department of Transportation, District 1 Emergency Repair Project at Ikes Falls HUM 96
2017018059 State Water Resources Control Board Fowler Packing - Permit Amendment for New Well
2017011006 City of Lancaster Site Plan Review 16-05
2017018039 Kern County PLN17-00004
2017018056 Kern County PLN17-00018
2017018042 Kern County PLN17-00007
2017018036 Department of General Services (DGS) Fresno Water Resources State Office Building 753 - Access Barrier Removal Project
2017011007 Fresno County Initial Study Application No. 7190 and Unclassified Conditional Use Permit Application No. 3544
2016081005 City of Beverly Hills 9000 Wilshire Boulevard Commercial Project
2017018040 Kern County PLN17-00012
2017014001 U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management Central Coast Field Office Oil and Gas Leasing and Development Draft RMP Amendment and Draft EIS
1984051409 Fresno County Tract 4968 Basin Outfall (Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. 1600-2016-0055-R4)
2017011004 Hollister School District Hollister TK-8 School (Santana Ranch)
2017018043 Kern County PLN17-00008
2017018037 Kern County PLN17-00003
2017018054 Kern County PLN17-00016
2017018031 California Department of Parks and Recreation Santa Ines Mission Mill Septic Tank & Leach Field Replacement
2017018057 Kern County PLN17-00019
2017018034 California Highway Patrol (CHP) CHP Statewide Advanced Planning - Acquisition
2017018051 Kern County PLN17-00014
2017018038 Kern County PLN17-00011
2017018055 Kern County PLN17-00017
2017011005 City of El Segundo Continental Grand Campus Specific Plan
2017018035 Department of General Services (DGS) Alcoholic Beverage Control Santa Rosa State Building, Suite 130 - Tenant Improvements
2017018058 San Luis Obispo Council of Governments North Coast Scenic Byway Gateway Movement
2017018052 Kern County PLN17-00021
2017018029 City of Redding Clear Creek Waste Water Treatment Plant Biosolids Drain Line Project J.O. #2398-80 (ED-23-16)
2017018046 Kern County PLN17-00022
2015062084 Sonoma County Tolay Lake Regional Park Master Plan
2017018032 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Conservancy (SSJDC) Habitat Enhancement for Swainson's Hawk at Elliott Ranch
2015101042 City of Fountain Valley Fountain Valley Crossings Specific Plan EIR
2017018049 Kern County PLN17-00013
2017012012 City of Mill Valley Bayfront Park Pier Rehabilitation Project