Wednesday, July 8, 2009

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16 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2009078051 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) RCRA Corrective Action, Former Special Devices, Incorporated Site, Approved Remedy Decision: No Remediation Required pursuant to Land Use Covenant
2009068187 City of Woodland Automated Meter Implementation Plan, Phase 2 (Water Meter Installation)
2009042088 City of Tiburon Paradise Drive Area Prezoning and General Plan Amendment
2008081077 San Bernardino County Auto Club Speedway Event Center
2009078066 City of Victorville Doris Davies Park Upgrade (formerly Pebble Beach Park)
1998092077 El Dorado County U.S. 50/Weber Creek Bridge Bicycle/Pedestrian Facility Project
2009072026 Siskiyou County Anthony and Phyllis Reginato
2000091065 Southern California Regional Rail Authority Fairhaven/Lincoln and Santa Clara/Lincoln Intersection Modifications, Supplement to the Santa Ana Second Main Track EIR
2009071030 City of Livingston City of Livingston Housing Element Update
2009071028 California Department of Transportation, District 8 State Route 79 Widening
2008121009 City of San Diego Carmel Valley Market
2009071029 San Luis Obispo County Aron Minor Use Permit
2009042098 Siskiyou County Michael and Nancy Anderson Tentative Parcel Map TPM-08-05
2009051037 United States National Park Service (NPS) Westside Park Replacement Project
2009078050 Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Installation of Drain Lines at Stations 1241+50 and 1246+00 Along San Diego Pipeline No. 3
2009052082 San Luis Obispo County Kelly Sassarini and Dana Reed Tentative Parcel Map and Zone Change (TPM-08-08/Z-08-10)