Tuesday, January 6, 2009

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23 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2009018017 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Auxiliary Lanes Extension Project
2009018014 California Department of Parks and Recreation Pipeline Anomaly No. 1-6
2009012003 City of San Mateo Poplar Avenue Pump Station Rehabilitation
2005042005 Placer County Dry Creek Greenway Regional Vision (PEIR T20050421)
2006092078 Trinity County Weaverville West Connector Roadway
2002022027 California Department of Transportation, District 6 South Stockton 6-Lane
2007101033 Grossmont Union High School District High School No. 12
2009011007 City of Vista Smith Tentative Subdivision Map
2009012006 California State University Board of Trustees San Jose State University, Student Helath and Counseling Center Schematic Plan Approval
2009018020 California Department of Parks and Recreation Arundo Removal, Santa Ana River, Chino Hills SP (0809-1E-7)
2008102088 City of Sunnyvale Palo Alto Medical Foundation Medical Clinic Project
2009018018 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters Leasing of Office Space (Lease Renewal)
2007042116 South Tahoe Public Utility District Recycled Water facilities master Plan Final Supplemental EIR
2009018015 California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) Lease of existing Office Space
2009018021 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Expedited Removal Action Workplan for the Former CaltechMetal Finishers Site (Site)
2009012004 City of Daly City Harding Park Recycled Water Project
2008061084 City of Palm Springs Museum Market Plaza Specific Plan
2008091051 City of Fresno C.A.R.T.S. Trucking Yard
2005121171 City of Santa Maria Consideration of a Resolution Adopting a Statement of Overriding Considerations Regarding the Santa Barbara Countywide Integrated Regional Water Management Impl
2009018019 California Department of Parks and Recreation Range Expansion, Lake Perris SRA (08/09-1E-8)
2009019009 Mendocino County Low Gap Park Off-Leash Dog Park
2009018016 California Department of Parks and Recreation Hollister Hills Office Expansion
2009018013 California Department of Social Services Lease for approximately 1890 square feet of Office Space to House Area Board III