SCH Number 2008091051
Project Info
- Title
- C.A.R.T.S. Trucking Yard
- Description
- The applicant proposes construction of a 4,000 sq. ft. office; cardlock fueling stations for gasoline, diesel (conventional and biofuel) and compressed natural gas with two aboveground 12,000-gal. diesel fuel tanks; a 14,600 gallon, 43 ft. tall aboveground liquefied natural gas tank with three subsidiary aboveground compressed natural gas storage vessels; two aboveground gasoline tanks 1,000 and 2,000 gallons in size which may subsequently be replaced by aboveground 12,000 gallon tanks; and a 1,584 sq. ft. canopy over the diesel and gasoline fuel islands; 18,500+- sq. ft. of heavy equipment truck/waste bin maintenance facilities for related activities (shop areas and parts storage; waste bin and vehicle painting and repair; truck servicing); parking for 113 employees; parking for at least 44 solid waste vehicles and pieces of heavy equipment; open areas for storage of waste bins; and an on-site ponding basin. The project involves installation of utility and service infrastructure on- and off-site, and potential relocation of Fresno Irrigation District Irrigation pipeline to an easement traversing the subject site from east to west.
2 documents in project