Wednesday, May 28, 2008

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46 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2005051093 City of San Diego Vista at Rancho Bernardo
2008011009 California Department of Transportation, District 9 Stovepipe Wells Dunes Visitor Use Area Improvements
2008011009 California Department of Transportation, District 9 Stovepipe Wells Dunes Visitor Use Area Improvements
2005041132 East Valley Water District Perchlorate Treatment and Water Distribution Project, Plant 107 Perchlorate & Nitrate IX
2007122046 Central Valley Flood Protection Board Lower American River Mile 0.5 Mitigation Site, Sacramento River Bank Protection Project
2005041043 City of Los Angeles ENV-2004-4971-MND-REC2
2008058305 California Department of Parks and Recreation Fence Installation at Park Residence
2008058302 Department of Consumer Affairs Osteopathic Medical Board Relocation
2007071114 City of Lancaster Downtown Lancaster Specific Plan
2008058308 California Department of Parks and Recreation Wooden Fence Reconstruction
2008058306 California Department of Parks and Recreation Bluff Trail Bridge Repair
2008058309 Merced County Major Subdivision Application No. MAS08-002 for Castle Commerce & Aviation Center
2008051118 City of Los Angeles ENV-2007-5879-MND
2004121103 Dudley Ridge Water District Dudley Ridge Water District Adoption and Implementation of the 2005 Water Management Plan
2008059027 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-07-0583 for Timber Harvesting Plan 1-07-153DEL "RT Alder Camp 2007 THP"
2008051121 University of California, Los Angeles Northwest Housing Infill Project & 2002 LRDP Amendment
2008042070 Central Valley Flood Protection Board PL 84-99 Levee Rehabilitation Project - RD 150
2008058303 California Department of Parks and Recreation Install Additional Parking at Auto Shop Corporation Yard
2007041013 California State University Board of Trustees California State University, San Marcos Social and Behavioral Sciences Building
2008058300 Turlock Unified School District Increase in School Facilities Fees
2006102023 Shasta County Shasta Community Services District Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project
2007071087 City of Oxnard Casden Development Projects
2008058304 California Department of Parks and Recreation Mt. Theater Water Tank Replacement
2002072046 City of Santa Rosa LRT2 Funding Agreement for the Santa Rosa Urban Reuse Project
2002072046 City of Santa Rosa LRT2 Funding Agreement for the Santa Rosa Urban Reuse Project
2007121031 City of Santa Maria Los Flores Ranch Passive Recreation Program
2007121031 City of Santa Maria Los Flores Ranch Passive Recreation Program
2008051122 San Luis Obispo County Carlin Parcel Map / SUB2006-00218
2008052121 West Valley-Mission Community College District Mission College Educational and Facilities Master Plan
2007072106 Regents of the University of California Computational Research and Theory Facility
1992102975 Los Angeles Harbor Department Deep Draft Navigation Improvements, L.A. Harbor Department
2008058301 Department of Consumer Affairs Osteopathic Medical Board Relocation
2008058298 California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Region 1 (CDFW) Issuance of Streambed Alteration Agreement No. R1-08-0026, Unnsmed Perennial Tributaries to the Klamath River
2008051116 City of Los Angeles ENV-2007-3910-MND
2008051119 City of Los Angeles ENV-2008-38-ND
2008051117 City of Los Angeles ENV-2008-318-MND
2008059026 City of San Diego Oceanside Marketplace Project
2008058299 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 2 (San Francisco Bay), Oakland Water Quality Certification for Abbotts Lagoon Trail Reroute Project, Point Reyes National Seashore, Marin County
2004072042 City of Eureka #930898
2008042069 Central Valley Flood Protection Board PL 84-99 Levee Rehabilitation Project - RD 765
2007072107 Regents of the University of California Helios Energy Research Facility
2008011120 Orange Unified School District Villa Park School Historic Buildings Removal Project
2008051120 City of San Diego Weber Residence
2008018207 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Sacrametno Heaquarters - Warehouse Relocation
2008058307 Fish & Game #5 Streambed Alteration Agreement (1600-2008-0081-R5) Regarding Buck Gully Culvert Replacement Project
2008021015 City of Highland General Plan Amendment 007-001, Amendment to the General Plan Chapter 2, Land Use Element (Applicant: Mr. Young Shin)