SCH Number 2007071087
Project Info
- Title
- Casden Development Projects
- Description
- Two adjacent residential developments on 35 acres at the northwestern corner of Vineyard Avenue and Ventura Road in the City of Oxnard, County of Ventura, California: Vineyard-Ventura Homes project providing 201 for-sale residential units (126 two-story cluster homes and 75 single family homes) on 25.4 acres; and the Ventura Road Townhomes project providing 143 Townhomes on 9.6 acres. Entitlements include: General Plan Amendment to revise the existing Northwest Community Specific Plan (NWCSP) land use designation of Community Commercial to Low-Medium Residential (7-12 du/ac); Specific Plan Amendment to change the NWCSP Sub-Area 2 land use designation from Community/Resort Commercial to Single Family Attached; Zone Change from General Commercial-Planned Development (C-2-PD) and Community Reserve (CR) to Multiple-Family (R-2) with a P-D Overlay, and Garden Apartment (R-3) with a P-D overlay; Tentative Tract Maps to allow for future development of individual lots; Planned Development permits for the construction of the residential units on proposed parcels; the Planned Development (P-D) Overlay is applied when any project is rezoned and allows for up to 25% flexibility for each potential/requested modification of the zone district; Special Use Permits: Planned Residential Use Permits will be required to allow for flexibility in the application of development standards; and Development Agreement to allow for future buildout consistent with approved entitlements, with corresponding applicant commitments to provide supporting infrastructure and improvements.
3 documents in project