SCH Number 2007071087

Project Info

Casden Development Projects
Two adjacent residential developments on 35 acres at the northwestern corner of Vineyard Avenue and Ventura Road in the City of Oxnard, County of Ventura, California: Vineyard-Ventura Homes project providing 201 for-sale residential units (126 two-story cluster homes and 75 single family homes) on 25.4 acres; and the Ventura Road Townhomes project providing 143 Townhomes on 9.6 acres. Entitlements include: General Plan Amendment to revise the existing Northwest Community Specific Plan (NWCSP) land use designation of Community Commercial to Low-Medium Residential (7-12 du/ac); Specific Plan Amendment to change the NWCSP Sub-Area 2 land use designation from Community/Resort Commercial to Single Family Attached; Zone Change from General Commercial-Planned Development (C-2-PD) and Community Reserve (CR) to Multiple-Family (R-2) with a P-D Overlay, and Garden Apartment (R-3) with a P-D overlay; Tentative Tract Maps to allow for future development of individual lots; Planned Development permits for the construction of the residential units on proposed parcels; the Planned Development (P-D) Overlay is applied when any project is rezoned and allows for up to 25% flexibility for each potential/requested modification of the zone district; Special Use Permits: Planned Residential Use Permits will be required to allow for flexibility in the application of development standards; and Development Agreement to allow for future buildout consistent with approved entitlements, with corresponding applicant commitments to provide supporting infrastructure and improvements.
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City of Oxnard Casden Development Projects
City of Oxnard Casden Development Projects
City of Oxnard Casden Development Projects