Tuesday, June 14, 2005

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35 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2005062065 Tehama County Parcel Map 05-19, John McLaughlin
2005061066 Merced Union High School District Light Installation at Merced High School Soccer Field
2005064003 United States Army Construction of New Dental Clinic (Presidio of Monterey)
2005062062 City of Turlock Cancellation of Williamson Act Contract 78-3438
2005068219 California Department of Parks and Recreation Replace Comfort Station
2005068216 Fish & Game #5 Santa Clara River South Fork Arundo and Tamarisk Removal
2005062060 Butte County Dennis Hansing Tentative Subdivision Map
1998091007 California Department of Transportation, Headquarters State Route 138 Widening from Longview Rd. to 146th St Junction, Los Angeles County
2005068217 Fish & Game #5 Dan Voss Project
2002082018 Solano Transportation Authority Supplemental Programmatic Environmental Impact Report for the County Transportion Expenditure Plan
2005068220 California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) Final Remedy for the Gaylord Agricultural and Recreational Tracts and Almond Orchard
2000052073 City of Vallejo Vallejo Station Project & Waterfront Project
2005069024 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement 1600-2005-0084-3 / 1-05-013 MEN
2005062068 City of Anderson South Anderson Interceptor Sewer Project
2005061069 City of Seal Beach Groin Rehabilitation Project at Seal Beach Pier
2004101103 City of Santee Sky Ranch Development Project (TM04-08, DR04-18, P05-01)
2005069025 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement 1600-2004-0682-3 / 1-04-212 MEN
2005068215 California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) North Slope Sonoma Mountain Trail Planning
2003031022 Santa Barbara County Gaviota Beach Road and Bridge Replacement Project
2005061067 City of Monrovia EIA 05-06-01
2005062066 Butte County Ronald and Sharon Covey Tentative Parcel Map (File # TPM 05-08)
2001101102 California Department of Transportation, District 7 Check Dam Installation at Tick Canyon Wash; Check Dam Installation Project at Tick Canyon Wash
2005062063 Placer County Gold Country Kubota Sales Yard and Storage (EIAQ-3682)
2005061070 City of Victorville Tentative Tract TT-05-037
2000041047 Inland Empire Utilities Agency Inland Empire Utilities Agency Recycled Water Groundwater Recharge Project
2005061068 City of Los Angeles Owens Lake Dust Mitigation Program - Phase V Project
2005062067 California Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources Lake City Geothermal Exploration Well-4 Project
2005069023 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Streambed Alteration Agreement 1600-2005-0111-3 / 1-02-178 MEN
2005061071 City of Victorville Tentative Tract TT-05-035
2004061013 Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) 2005 Monterey Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Plan, 2005 Monterey County Regional Transportation Plan, and 2005 Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation
2004061013 Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) 2010 Monterey Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Plan, 2010 Monterey County Regional Transportation Plan, 2010 San Benito County Regional Transportation Plan,
2005064002 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Deep Space Network Array Project
2005062064 Butte County Hammett & Held Associates Tentative Parcel Map (File # TPM 05-07)
2005062061 Sacramento County Watt Avenue - Interstate 80 Community Plan Amendment & Rezone
2005068221 City of Mount Shasta Minor Subdivision, Peter Hussman