Monday, December 27, 2004

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36 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
2004121134 City of Yucaipa Box Culvert - 10th St. at Wilson Creek
2004128373 Fish & Game #3 Cache Creek Wall Repair
2004112014 Santa Clara County Cristofaro Grading Abatement
2004091101 Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 4 (Los Angeles) Injection of Gaseous Ozone for the Remediation of Groundwater at a Site Referred to as the 76 Station #6907
2004128370 Union Elementary School District Guadalupe Elementary School Modernization
1999082041 City of Modesto P-PPR-04-003/Coffee Road Office Addition
2004128367 Fish & Game #4 Agreement 2004-0092-R4 Deerwood Stream Restoration Project
1991031045 Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District 2004 Clean Air Plan for Santa Barbara County
2004081002 City of Santa Maria Ted Zenich Gardens, 24 Apartment Units, 1034 E. Chapel Street
2004032074 Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority River Oaks Bicycle/Pedestrian Bridge Project
2004129055 Fish & Game #2 Los Rios Wetland Restoration Project on Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area
2004128371 Union Elementary School District Alta Vista Elementary School Modernization
2004128368 State Water Resources Control Board Petition for Change of Purpose of Use and Place of Water, License for Diversion and Use of Water No. 9837
2004121140 City of Alhambra Story Park Playground Equipment Purchase and Installation
2004121137 City of Alhambra Mark Keppel High School Ballfields Renovation
2004092027 Siskiyou County Donald & Judith Ratley Tentative Parcel Map (TPM-04-05)
2004121141 City of Alhambra Alhambra Park Interactive Spray / Water Park Project
2004128366 Fish & Game #2 Los Rios Wetland Restoration Project in the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area
200425 United States Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs Greenville Rancheria of Maidu Indians APN 037-020-10-1, 037-020-11-1, 037-080-02-1, 037-080-12-1
2004121138 Lake County Middle Creek Weirs
2004121132 City of Moreno Valley PA04-0112 (Plot Plan) Industrial Building
2004092021 Siskiyou County Cal-One Cellular/Mills Ranch Use Permit (UP-03-18)
2002051147 Riverside County Tentative Tract Map No. 30142, General Plan Amendment No. 615, Change of Zone No. 6670
2004128374 San Benito County Southside Road Bikelane (SBCPW Project #686)
2004121135 San Luis Obispo County Iaia Major Grading Permit (PMT2004-00196)
2004122131 City of Santa Rosa Kaiser Hospital Expansion
2004121139 Kern County General Plan Amendment #14, Zone Change Case #80, Map #81; Sill Properties by Porter-Robertson Engineering
2004101036 City of Malibu Coastal Development Permit No. 04-022; variance No. 04-019 and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 0-003
2004012031 Siskiyou County John Summerfield Tentative Parcel Map (TPM-03-16)
2004042006 Placer County Indian Creek Rezoning (EIAQ-3818)
2004121133 Los Angeles County CUP / CD 04-038, Underground Fuel Tank, Santa Catalina
2004128369 Union Elementary School District Oster Elementary School Modernization
2004128375 Sand City Sand City Redevelopment Agency 5-Year Implementation Plan: 2005-2009
2004122132 City of San Jacinto Specific Plan No. 1-04 Villages at San Jacinto
2004129056 City of Modesto Buehner Reorganization
2004128372 City of Marina Crescent Avenue Reconstruction