Wednesday, August 13, 2003

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38 document(s) found

SCH Number Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
1991013066 City of Brentwood Brentwood Hills Country Club
2003081079 City of San Diego Price Residences
1990010501 City of Stanton Concurrence in the Issuance of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP No. 30-AB-0013) for Stanton Recycling and Transfer Station, Orange County
2003088221 Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority MRCA Acquisition of Ahmanson Ranch
2003081076 Kern County EASF 1-03; (a)Amendment of Zoning Map 101-34, Zone Change Case 21; (b)Zone Variance Case 4, Map 101-34; (c)Zone Modification Case No. 7, Map No. 101-34
2002072067 City of Santa Cruz Market Street Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project
2003088212 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Willow Creek Curves
2003052125 City of West Sacramento Parlin Ranch Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map #4615
2003082055 Sotoyome Resource Conservation District Bidwell Creek Salmonid Habitat Restoration Project
2003062115 Del Norte County Loyd Minor Subdivision/MS0320
2003041139 California Department of Transportation, District 5 Cuyama Rehabilitation
2003088215 California Department of Parks and Recreation Temporary Construction Easement Folsom East 3C Interceptor Sewer Line
2003062112 Del Norte County Smith River Rancheria
2003062036 Siskiyou County Lake Shastina Medical Clinic (Shastina Medical Clinic) (UP-03-07)
2003088213 California Department of Transportation, District 3 Wheatland Operational Improvements
2001121087 City of Torrance Del Amo Boulevard Extension Project Recirculated EIR/EA
2003081077 Inyo County Conditional Use Permit 03-1/Hectorite Exploration
2003088216 City of Arcata Stewart Park Planned Renovation
1998121054 Imperial County Newmont Mining Corporation, Mesquite Mine Expansion Project Final Environmental Impact Report, Conditional Use Permit #98-0022 and Reclamation Plan #98-0004.
2003082056 City of Watsonville Alianza Housing Development
2001062095 City of San Jose Gregory Street Bridge
2003089037 Lake Elsinore and San Jacinto Watersheds Authority (LESJWA) Lake Elsinore Destratification Project - Revised
1995033060 City of Napa Housing Element General Plan Amendment Package
2003088230 Fish & Game #2 PG&E Cooling Water Intake Removal
2003062114 Del Norte County Carleen Hanson - Minor Subdivision-MS0321C
2003088219 Fish & Game #3 Slip-out Repair Between the Headwaters of Laurel Creek and Highland Way
2003081080 City of Needles Needles Retirement Community
2000111031 Imperial County Revised Solid Waste Facility Permit (SWFP #13-AA-0004) Calexico Solid Waste Site, Imperial County
2003031036 Santa Barbara County Concurrence in the Issuance of a Solid Waste Facilities Permit (SWFP No. 42-AA-0066) for MarBorg C&D Waste Recycling & Transfer Facility, Santa Barbara County
2001102141 City of American Canyon City of American Canyon Channel Maintenance Project: Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
2003062082 Sonoma County R.E.A.C.H. and County Hangars Project
2003081087 Olivenhain Municipal Water District 4S Ranch Pipeline North Project
2003062106 California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Piziali Vineyard Timberland Conversion
2003088217 City of Imperial Beach Date Avenue Storm Drain Diverter (MF 572/ACP 02-05)
2003088220 City of Riverside Villegas Park Playground Project
2003088214 California Department of Parks and Recreation Archaeological Investigations
2003082054 Tehama County Parcel Map #02-43, Richard L. and Stacy Reagan Stober
2003081078 City of Lake Elsinore Tentative Parcel No. 31051 & Industrial Project No. 2002-04 & CUP No. 2003-04