Tuesday, July 29, 2003
- Received Date
- 2003-07-29
- Edit Search
36 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2003071175 | NOP | City of Carlsbad | Palomar Transfer Station | |
2003079075 | NOD | California Energy Commission | Modify Air Quality Conditions of Certification. Tracy Peaker Power Plant | |
2003079074 | NOD | California Energy Commission | Reduce Emission Reduction Credit Requirements and Modify Method of Calculating Emissions During Startup and Shutdowns for the Henrietta Peaker Project | |
2000129018 | NOD | California Energy Commission | Elk Hills Power Project - Approval of Project Modifications | |
2003021098 | NOD | Farmersville Redevelopment Agency | Amendment to the Redevelopment Plans for the Farmersville Redevelopment Project 1A and the Farmersville Redevelopment Project (inclusive of Project Areas 1B and | |
2003079076 | NOD | California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC) | AT&T Wireless Service, Telecommunications Facility C474.2 Kramer Hills | |
2003072156 | NEG | City of Fremont | DeVry Student Dormitory - DeVry, Inc. | |
2003071179 | NOP | City of Goleta | Comstock Homes Monarch Point Development and Portions of the Ellwood-Devereux Open Space Plan | |
2003071183 | NEG | Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) | Beulah Payne Elementary School | |
2003071181 | NEG | Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) | Freeman Elementary School | |
2003071182 | NEG | Inglewood Unified School District (IUSD) | Hudnall Elementary School | |
2003071173 | NEG | Inyo County | Death Valley Regional Groundwater Deep Drilling Project - BLM #1 Well | |
2003071174 | NEG | Inyo County | Death Valley Regional Groundwater Deep Drilling Project - BLM #2 Well | |
2003078536 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Phase I of the Colorado River Aqueduct Outlet Upgrade Project | |
2003078537 | NOE | Metropolitan Water District of Southern California | Replenishment of Stockpiles Along the Colorado River Aqueduct | |
2003011115 | EIR | Monterey County | Monterey County Government Center | |
2003078538 | NOE | Riverside County | Approval of Ordinance No. 810.2 Amending Ordinance No. 810 to Establish the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan Mitigation Fee | |
2003071177 | NOP | Riverside County | General Plan Amendment No. 668/Change of Zone Case No. 6809/Specific Plan No. 333/Parcel Map No. 31209/Tentative Tract No. 31210/TTM No. 31485 | |
1997042085 | NOD | City of Sacramento | Captains Table Marina and Resort Hotel (P03-064) | |
2003061057 | NOD | San Benito County | Murphy Rd. Bridge Seismic Retrofit (Prov. 665) | |
2003071176 | NEG | City of San Diego | Via De La Valle Bikeway | |
2002031096 | EIR | San Diego, Port of | Campbell Sediment Remediation/Aquatic Enhancement, San Diego | |
2003072155 | NEG | City of San Jose | CP 00-03-009 Graniterock Road Materials Recycling Plant, Berryessa Road, San Jose, Conditional Use Permit | |
1999101047 | EIR | City of Santa Ana | One Broadway Plaza | |
2003071180 | NOP | Santa Barbara County | Ocean Meadows Residences and those Portions of the Ellwood-Devereux Open Space Plan | |
2003072157 | NOP | Sonoma County | Sonoma County Bay Trail Corridor Plan | |
2003072154 | NEG | California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) | Marine Corps Firing Range and Historic Outfall 4S Interim Remedial Action Plan Former Mare Island Naval Shipyard | |
2001022038 | NOD | University of California, Berkeley | Parking Structure A Parking Space Expansion Project | |
2003071184 | NEG | University of California, Davis | Consumer Education Pavilion | |
2003071178 | NOP | University of California, Santa Barbara | University of California, Santa Barbara Faculty and Family Student Housing and the Ellwood-Devereux Open Space Plan Components | |
1998122015 | NOD | City of Walnut Creek | Walnut Creek Aqueduct Maintenance Facility | |
2003079081 | NOD | Fish & Game #3 | Woodacre Creek Restoration | |
2003078540 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Wildcat Creek Restoration at City Hall | |
2003078541 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Old Mill Creek Bridge Repair | |
2003078539 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Hillsdale Rock, Inc. Sand and Gravel Mining | |
2003079080 | NOD | Fish & Game #3 | Santa Clara Development Company - Warm Springs GPA |