Wednesday, February 5, 2003
- Received Date
- 2003-02-05
- Edit Search
36 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
2003028063 | NOE | California Department of Transportation, District 1 | Route 101 (5th Street)/Route 255 (R Street) Intersection Improvement in Eureka | |
2003022029 | NEG | City of Elk Grove | EG-01-240 East Franklin Specific Plan Amendment | |
2003022028 | NEG | City of Elk Grove | Southmeadows Tentative Subdivision Map | |
2003022030 | NEG | City of Elk Grove | EG-02-333 Elk Grove Meadows Phase 3 | |
2003021021 | NEG | Indian Wells Valley Water District | Stine Property Aquifer Testing Project | |
2002101124 | NOD | City of Loma Linda | San Bernardino Library Expansion Project (Loma Linda Branch Library) | |
2003021022 | NEG | Los Angeles County | Transfer of Territory from the San Gabriel USD to the San Marino USD | |
2002111016 | NOD | Los Angeles Unified School District | State Elementary School Playground Expansion | |
2003022026 | NEG | Mendocino County | Digger Creek Culvert Replacement | |
2003022022 | NEG | Mendocino County | Deer Creek Instream Fish Barrier Removal, Wildnerness Lodge Road | |
2003022024 | NEG | Mendocino County | Marsh Creek Instream Fish Barrier Removal | |
2003022021 | NEG | Mendocino County | Johnson Creek Instream Fish Barrier | |
2003022019 | NEG | Mendocino County | Albion River Instream Fish Barrier Removal | |
2003022020 | NEG | Mendocino County | Instream Fish Barrier Removal, Ryan Creek Road | |
2003022023 | NEG | Mendocino County | Ancestor Creek Instream Fish Barrier Removal | |
2002042071 | EIR | City of Oakland | Central City East Redevelopment Plan DEIR | |
2003021024 | NEG | Orange County | Caltrans Drainage Improvement - Negative Declaration PA 020112 | |
2003022025 | OTH | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Draft California Outdoor Recreation Plan 2002 | |
2003028067 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Trail Signs Replacement (02/03-CD-17) | |
2003028065 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Remove Dombeya Tree-Bandini Patio (02/03-SD-47) | |
2003028068 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Headquarters Welcome Sign (02/03-CD-18) | |
2003028066 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Visitor Center-Palm Canyon Campground ADA Compliant Trail (02/03-CD-16) | |
2003028064 | NOE | California Department of Parks and Recreation | Soil and Groundwater Investigation-Residence Area | |
2003022027 | EIR | City of Pleasant Hill | Pleasant Hill General Plan | |
2003021023 | NOP | City of Redlands | Amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for Redlands Redevelopment Project | |
1990010125 | NOD | San Diego County | McLean Residence, S95-016W5, Log No. 89-09-037D | |
2003028076 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | S1 and S2 Digester Upgrades | |
2002062037 | NOD | State Water Resources Control Board | Application 31054 of Kurt and Ira Balasek to Appropriate Water | |
2002062066 | NOD | State Water Resources Control Board | Applications 29498, 29724 and 29725 of William I. Morgan to Appropriate Water | |
2003028075 | NOE | State Water Resources Control Board | 4th Sludge Pump at Point Loma Sludge Pump Station | |
2003028072 | NOE | Fish & Game #2 | Replacement of Two Failing 24-Inch Storm Drain Outlets | |
2003028069 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Alameda Creek Bridge Seismic Retrofit | |
2003028070 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Geotechnical Testing for Bridge Foundation Design | |
2003028061 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Culvert Replacement | |
2003028062 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Culvert Replacement | |
2003028071 | NOE | Fish & Game #3 | Shell Creek Sediment Removal |