Monday, June 14, 1999
- Received Date
- 1999-06-14
- Edit Search
39 document(s) found
SCH Number | Type | Lead/Public Agency | Received | Title |
1999022054 | NOP | Acalanes Union High School District | Acalanes High School Expansion and Site Improvements | |
1999062056 | NEG | Alameda County | Cull Reservoir and Don Castro Reservoir Hydraulic Desilting Pilot Project, Castro Valley | |
1999041131 | NOD | Apple Valley Unified School District (AVUSD) | Alternative Education Center | |
1999041129 | NOD | Apple Valley Unified School District (AVUSD) | New Middle School | |
1999041130 | NOD | Apple Valley Unified School District (AVUSD) | New Apple Valley Elementary / Middle School | |
1999061054 | NOP | City of Azusa | Mountain Cove Residential Development | |
1999061045 | NOP | California Department of Transportation, District 7 | Interstate 5/Western Avenue Access Project | |
1997051022 | NOD | California Department of Transportation, Headquarters | SAN MIGUEL CANYON ROAD INTERCHANGE | |
1988112202 | NOD | Del Norte County | ROBERT LESINA MINOR SUBDIVISION | |
1989042507 | NOD | Del Norte County | Pete Nesbitt Major Subdivision | |
1998082024 | EIR | Humboldt County | McKinleyville Community Plan 1998 Revision Program | |
1999069028 | NOD | Lake County | Earl and Joan Horner IS 99-02-RZ 99-02 | |
1999062048 | NOP | Lassen County | Skyline South Roadway Project | |
1999061057 | NEG | Los Angeles County Sanitation District | District 5 Interceptor Trunk Sewer Connections Relocation | |
1999062057 | NEG | City of Mount Shasta | Project 99.15 - 30 Unit Motel Complex | |
1999062058 | NEG | City of Mount Shasta | Project 99.05 - Shasta Manor | |
1999061056 | NOP | City of Oceanside | San Luis Rey River Reauthorization Project | |
1999062061 | NEG | City of Point Arena | Pacific Community School (Site 1) | |
1999062062 | NEG | City of Point Arena | Pacific Community School (Site 2) | |
1999062055 | NEG | California Department of Public Health (CDPH) | Great Oaks Water Company | |
1996042019 | NOP | Sacramento County | Villages of Zinfandel Community Plan Amendment, Redzone, Zoning Ordinance Amendment, Tentative Subdivision Maps & Transportation System Management Plan. | |
1999061058 | NOP | City of San Diego | Cambridge Square | |
1997051014 | NOP | San Diego, Port of | South Embaracadero Development Program 2 (South) Embarcadero Redevelopment Program 1 & Port Master Plan | |
1999061059 | NEG | San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority | Whittier Narrows Operable Unit Early Action Barrier Project | |
1999061055 | NOP | San Luis and Delta Mendota Water Authority | San Diego Pipeline No. 3 Bypass Project | |
1999062054 | NEG | City of Santa Cruz | Fern Street SRO's (City Application #99-100) | |
1999069027 | NOD | City of Santa Rosa | Castor, Baretta and Freeman Parcels (a.k.a. Goldfields Subdivision | |
1999042026 | NEG | Sierra County | Sierra Pacific Industries -- Borrow Pit | |
1999062053 | NEG | Siskiyou County | Cal-Ore Telephone Co. | |
1999062050 | CON | Stanislaus County | REZ Application No. 99-10 & PM Application No. 99-25 | |
1999062051 | CON | Stanislaus County | TM 99-04-River Ranch | |
1999052064 | NEG | Stanislaus County | PM 99-22 Ron Vella | |
1999062052 | CON | Stanislaus County | Parcel Map Application No. 99-29 - Albaugh Land And Cattle Co. | |
1989062613 | NOD | City of Stockton | NORTH LITTLE JOHN CREEK ANNEXATION PROJECT | |
1999062059 | NEG | Tehama County | Use Permit No-98-15 | |
1999068056 | NOE | Fish & Game #1 | Swan Lake & Upper Pond Project | |
1999068057 | NOE | Fish & Game #1 | Culvert Installation Honey Run Creek | |
1999068055 | NOE | Fish & Game #1 | NECSAD Trunk Sewer- Sycamore Erosion Repair |