SCH Number 2024110045

Project Info

Plan Amendment and Rezone (Application No. P24-00589)
Plan Amendment and Rezone Application No. P24-00589 pertains to two adjoining parcels totaling 2.26 acres in size located at the northeast corner of East McKinley and North Fine Avenues in the eastern-central portion of the City of Fresno (Figure 1). The parcels are currently planned and zoned for Light Industrial uses. The proposed project would amend the Fresno General Plan Land Use Map and Official Zoning Map to rezone APNs 494-291-10 and 494-291-05 from the IL (Light Industrial) zoning designation to the CC (Community Commercial) zoning designation. On September 28, 2023, the Fresno City Council adopted Resolution 2023-264 to initiate the process to amend the Planned Land Use and Zoning of the subject property from IL to CC. Property abutting the project sites to the west is planned and zoned for community commercial uses, and the intent of the resolution is to allow for uses which are more in line with the commercial uses to the west, as opposed to industrial uses to the north and east of the project sites. The proposed project does not include the removal of existing buildings, new development, or other site improvements that would require construction activities. No new physical improvements would occur. However, it is reasonably foreseeable that the proposed zoning change would allow the area to be developed with uses allowed under the CC zoning designation rather than the uses that would have been allowed under the existing IL zoning designation. The CC zoning designation allows for commercial development that primarily serves local needs such as convenience shopping and small offices. Many of the city’s current commercial districts fall into this designation. Specific uses allowed include medium-scale retail, office, civic and entertainment uses, supermarkets, drug stores and supporting uses. The maximum floor to area ratio (FAR) is 1.0. Therefore, reasonably foreseeable future development would allow for the construction of up to approximately 98,445 square feet of commercial uses on the project sites. Future development would be subject to separate environmental review and entitlement approval and entitlement approval.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Fresno City of Fresno Environmental Assessment for Plan Amendment/Rezone Application No. P24-00589
City of Fresno Plan Amendment and Rezone (Application No. P24-00589)