SCH Number 2024091018

Project Info

Flume 45 Critical Water System Infrastructure Project
Flume 45 is a critical component of the El Dorado Irrigation District's water conveyance system for the El Dorado Hydroelectric Project (Project 184). The Project would remove the existing wooden flume, which is highly susceptible to damage and destruction by natural hazards including wildfires, landslides, and falling trees and rocks, and replace it with a more durable ignition resistant concrete conveyance structure (i.e., U shaped concrete canal). The Project requires the removal and demolition of approximately 1,140 linear feet of water conveyance, which includes a wooden flume, wooden substructure, and a historic hand-stacked rock wall. Construction of the new conveyance structure involves construction of a mechanically stabilized earth retaining wall, construction of a new U-shaped concrete canal, slope stabilization, replacement of an existing maintenance access bridge that spans the water conveyance structure, and improvements along a maintenance access road adjacent to the flume. As part of the Project, EID would also perform routine road maintenance activities along the primary access road to allow for construction and continued maintenance access to the new canal segment. The Project would be constructed during the District’s annual maintenance outages, beginning in August 2026 and ending in January 2028. The first construction period would occur between August 2026 and January 2027 and the second would occur between August 2027 and January 2028.
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El Dorado Irrigation District Flume 45 Critical Water System Infrastructure Project
El Dorado Irrigation District Flume 45 Critical Water System Infrastructure Project