SCH Number 2024090959

Project Info

Lower Hobo and Diamond Crestview Fuel Modification Project
The City of Laguna Beach Fire Department proposes to apply fuel management practices within the City of Laguna Beach, California. FMZ 16 (Lower Hobo) and FMZ 19 (Diamond Crestview) would consist of approximately 100-footwide zones of reduced vegetation. Removal and/or thinning of heavy vegetation would reduce potential wildfire ignition of primarily residential properties, increase the evacuation time for residents, and provide better access for firefighters to protect structures. In addition, the proposed project would reduce fire line intensity, reduce wildfire rates of spread, and improve occupant safety. Lastly, it would protect High and Very High Value Habitat containing special-status plant species. All fuel modification activities would be conducted in accordance with the City’s Treatment Protocols for Fuel Modification Zones Subject to Coastal Development Permitting (City’s fuel modification treatment protocols) prepared by LBFD. Fuel management methods would rely exclusively on hand crews due to the presence of special-status species and the steep topography. Fuel loads would be reduced or completely removed depending on species composition. Non-native vegetation would be completely removed first; if 50 percent reduction in wildfire fuel is achieved by removing non-native vegetation, vegetation clearing would stop. If further thinning or removal needs to occur, crews would follow the hierarchical list in the City’s fuel modification treatment protocols to remove the least sensitive plants first. The project biologist may choose to adjust the order of species removal in order to preserve local diversity including, to the extent practicable, maintaining a plant community that supports sensitive and listed species likely to use the treatment area. To reduce the risk of erosion, the majority of perennial plant roots of native and non-native species would remain in erosion-prone areas. Non-native vegetation waste would be transported to a green waste recycling facility; green waste that is not accepted would be hauled to a landfill. Exclusion areas within both FMZs have been established to avoid disturbance to High and Very High Value Habitat and sensitive biological resources as well as drainage courses
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City of Laguna Beach Lower Hobo and Diamond Crestview Fuel Modification Project
City of Laguna Beach Lower Hobo and Diamond Crestview Fuel Modification Project