SCH Number 2024090514
Project Info
- Title
- Daguerre Point Dam Nature-Like Fishway Phase 2 Site Investigations Program
- Description
- Yuba County Water Agency (Yuba Water) is investigaling the feasibility of consltucting a nature-like fishway (NLF) at Daguerre Point Dam (DPD) to improve fish passage on the lower Yuba River while maintaining present water suppty and hydraulic debris retention funclions of the dam and lmpoundment. As part of this larger invesligation, Yuba Water completed a site investigation program to provide surface and subsurface geological Information for planning and preliminary design of the proposed NLF at DPD in December or 2023 (Phase 1). That work and additional considerations have created the need for addltional subsurface geological data gathering (Phase 2; Proposed Project). The Proposed Project will Include two field components: 1.) creating access points through minor vegetation management and grading, and 2.) boring and logglng shallow boreholes. The subsurface information gathered from this work will provide additional site-specific data to assist in determining the feasibility of the NLF.
2 documents in project