SCH Number 2024090238
Project Info
- Title
- PLNP2022-00220 Greenback and Hickory
- Description
- The project consists of the following entitlement requests: 1. A Tentative Parcel Map to divide a 2.84 gross acre parcel into two new parcels in the Greenback Lane Special Planning Area (SPA). 2. A Use Permit to allow an auto service station and a neighborhood convenience store with extended hours (24/7) in the Greenback Lane SPA, and to allow the proposed auto service station to deviate from the following development standards: • Design Clearance Height (Section The maximum allowable height is 16’-0”. As proposed, the design clearance height is 16’-6”. • Allowable Roof Structure Height (Section The allowable roof structure height shall not extend higher than 2’-6” above the design clearance height. The proposed canopy structure height is 3’-4 ½”. 3. A Special Development Permit to allow the proposed project to deviate from the following development standards: • Minimum Front Yard (Section 5.5.2.A, Table 5.13): The requirement is 56’-0” with a Public Utility Public Facility easement (PUPFE). As proposed, all new commercial structures (mini-storage and convenience store) are located with the required setback. • Minimum Side Street Yard (Section 5.5.2.A, Table 5.13): The requirement is 56’-0” with a Public Utility Public Facility easement (PUPFE). As proposed, all new commercial structures (mini-storage and convenience store) are located with the required setback. • Landscape Planter (Section 5.2.4.B.3.b): A minimum seven-foot-wide continuous landscaped planter area is required for commercial uses at property lines shared with an agricultural-residential or residential zone. Landscaping within this planter shall consist of screening trees spaced 30’ on center in combination with other plant material to provide a dense visual screen. The planter along the western boundary narrows to 4.5 – 5 feet to the north and screen trees are not proposed. 4. A Design Review to determine substantial compliance with the Sacramento County Countywide Design Guidelines (Design Guidelines). The project includes a proposal to create two separate parcels on the subject property, consisting of Parcel 1 (approximately 1.33 acres) and Parcel 2 (approximately 1.51 acres). The applicant will be required to install public street improvements along the project frontage of Greenback Lane and Hickory Avenue, including but not limited to curb, gutter, sidewalk, pavement, and streetlights. Additionally, traffic and circulation recommendations from the Local Transportation Analysis (LTA) will need to be complied with along with signalized intersection improvements, prior to certificate of occupancy. See the Transportation/Traffic Section below for further information on the LTA. Parcel 1 is proposed to have a 2,900± square foot neighborhood convenience store and auto service (gas) station with six (6) multiple product dispensers (MPD) and associated canopy structure, as well as an air and water dispenser with parking stall. Additionally, Parcel 1 will include a monument sign depicting fuel prices, and a 19-space parking area with six dedicated electric vehicle parking stalls equipped with charging facilities, as well as a new trash enclosure. Parcel 2 will include an approximately 80,196 square foot indoor self-storage facility, consisting of a three-level building, including basement. The parking area for the indoor storage facility will total 23 parking spaces, located along the northern and western property lines. Landscaping is proposed around the entire perimeter of the project site and both parcels will be connected via a new driveway extending along the western side of the property. Access to Parcel 1 will also be provided from Greenback Lane and Hickory Avenue while an additional access to Parcel 2 will be provided via an existing driveway on Hickory Avenue. The gas station and convenience store are proposed to operate with extended hours (24/7).
2 documents in project