SCH Number 2024080364
Project Info
- Title
- Carancho Pump Station Expansion and Improvement [Project No. D2048]
- Description
- This is an ISMND for Rancho California Water District proposed improvements for Carancho Pump Station, within the existing footprint of Carancho Pump Station. The Project Site is located on APN 933-050-036, within southwestern unincorporated Riverside County. The Project involves demolition of both existing Carancho Tank Nos. 1 and 2, removal of a 12-inch diameter intake pipe, installation of approximately 600 linear feet of 24-inch diameter potable water pipeline, and equipment/ancillary improvements to an existing pump station. Improvements consist of relocating the existing radio antenna, abandonment and removal of an existing Southern California Edison (SCE) transformer, permanent stabilization of surfaces, replacement of two (2) existing pumps (350 Hp), and installation of two (2) new pumps (350 Hp). Proposed improvements will result in three (3) duty pumps (350 HP each) and one (1) standby pump (350 HP) to meet the desired capacity of 4,400 gallons per minute (gpm); two (2) new surge tanks, new electrical conduit, a 50-foot antenna, a new transformer; and a new 1,250 kW emergency power generator with enclosure (300 feet by 92.5 feet) and automatic transfer switch meeting Tier 2 emission standards. The existing pump station contains space for four (4) pumps and was initially intended to provide 6,000 gpm (with all four pumps running), thus, the upgrades planned for the Project fall within the scope and configuration of the original pump station and are needed to improve reliability, fire response and water deliveries in the Local Vicinity. Project construction is anticipated to begin in late 2024 and conclude in mid-2026 with a duration of approximately eighteen (18) months. Construction activities will occur between 7:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday; weekend and night work are not proposed, however, may occur.
2 documents in project