SCH Number 2024080099

Project Info

Planned Development 283, Rezone 2024-01 & VTSM 2024-01
The applicant is proposing to subdivide the approximately 2.67-acre parcel, into 30 single-family residential lots. The subject property is located at 337 West Avenue South, Stanislaus County APN 050-003-042. The subject site is zoned Medium Density Residential (RM). The lots will range in size from 2,500 square feet to 4,352 square feet. The internal roadway will be a private road. A Planned Development is proposed to allow for deviations from the lot size standards and setbacks as well as the internal roadway being a private road not developed to City standards. Setbacks will be measured from the property line to that portion of the building or structure that is closest to the property line. The proposed setbacks for the development are as follows: Single-story homes: Two-story homes: Front Yard 10’ Front Yard habitable space 25’ Front Yard Garage 25’ Front Yard Porch 15’ Interior Side Yard 3’ Front Yard Garage 18’ Rear Livable area 10’ Interior Side Yard 3’ Rear Yard Garage 3’ Rear Yard Habitable area 10
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Turlock Planned Development 283, Rezone 2024-01 & VTSM 2024-01
City of Turlock Planned Development 283, Rezone 2024-01 & VTSM 2024-01