SCH Number 2024060951

Project Info

The project applicant is requesting the issuance of two CUPs to allow for the construction and operation of a SO-megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic (PV) energy generation facility and a 75-MW battery energy storage system (BESS) within an Open Space/Preservation zone (S-2 zone). The project is proposed to connect to the electrical grid via an off-site transmission line, which would extend to the east from the project site, connecting to the existing Imperial Irrigation District's (11D) 161 -kilovolt (kV) "N" Line adjacent to Coachella Canal Road. Construction and operational water supply is proposed via a new groundwater well which would be drilled and operated on-site. Access will be provided via Wilkins Road off of Highway 111.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Imperial County Northstar 1: WSA /GPA#23-0001/ZC#23-0001/CUP#23-0005/CUP#23-0006/IS #24-0001
Imperial County GPA23-0001/ZC23-0001/CUP23-0005/CUP23-0006/IS23-0006