SCH Number 2024041239
Project Info
- Title
- West Side Storage Tank Project
- Description
- The West Side Water Storage Tank Project would construct a 500,000-gallon water storage tank whose dimensions would be approximately 22-feet high and 65-feet in diameter. Appurtenant infrastructure includes electrical equipment, on-site lighting, booster pumps, an emergency backup generator, seven-foot-tall, slatted perimeter fencing, and a basin for stormwater and storage tank backwash purposes. The facility would replace the existing 6-inch water main in Caruthers Avenue between the western edge of the District and Marks Avenue to a 10-inch transmission main. In a second phase, improvements would include a groundwater well and a granulated activated carbon (GAC) treatment process to increase system reliability and redundancy, should a well on the east side of the District go offline and another source of clean, reliable water is needed.
2 documents in project