SCH Number 2024010756
Project Info
- Title
- City of Redding Pump House 1 Replacement Project
- Description
- The City of Redding Pump Station 1 Replacement Project (project) involves the construction of a new state-of-the-art fish screen, intake, and pumping plant to replace the existing Pump Station (PS) 1, which has reached the end of its useful life. The new PS1 would be located along the right riverbank of the Sacramento River, approximately 0.3 miles upstream of the Diestlehorst Bridge and approximately 0.7 mile upstream of the Anderson-Cottonwood Irrigation District (ACID) dam in the City of Redding (City). The project would also restore Jenny Creek to an open channel along its historical alignment and remove the existing Jenny Creek culverts. Additional facilities included in the Project include a public restroom, underground utilities, new access roads which would also serve as a connection between the Jenny Creek Trail and the Sacramento River Trail, and demolition of the existing PS1 facility and restoration of the site to a native condition once the new PS1 has been commissioned.
2 documents in project