SCH Number 2023110351

Project Info

West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan
The West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan (WSGVAP) is a community-based plan that focuses on land use and policy issues that are specific to the unique characteristics and needs of the WSGV Planning Area and its communities. The WSGVAP is intended to guide long-term growth within the WSGV Planning Area by encouraging development of housing options, preserving/sustaining open space, protecting community health, safety, and general welfare, increasing access to community amenities, and promoting areas suitable for growth. Goals, policies, and implementation programs would be developed for the WSGVAP to support these objectives. The WSGVAP would execute these goals primarily through, but not limited to, the following Project components: a General Plan Amendment to establish the WSGVAP as part of the General Plan, consisting of land use, mobility, conservation and open space, public services and facilities, economic development, and historic preservation elements; changes to land use and zoning designations to accommodate targeted growth and provide consistency; and, an amendment to Title 22 (Los Angeles County Planning and Zoning Code) to implement the goals and policies of the WSGVAP through the establishment of a Planning Area Standards District and updates to existing community standards districts (CSDs).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Los Angeles County West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan
Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning West San Gabriel Valley Area Plan