SCH Number 2023110006

Project Info

Village Farms Davis
The proposed project would include development of all of APN 035-970-033 and development of only a 7.78-acre portion of APN 042-110-029, with the remaining 163 acres of the parcel being considered off-site and subject to potential project-related improvements focused on regional aquifer recharge and agricultural mitigation purposes. In general, the proposed project would consist of a mixed-use development community, including a total of 1,800 dwelling units, comprised of both affordable and market-rate single- and multi-family residences, across various residential neighborhoods. In addition, the proposed project would include neighborhood services; public, semi-public, and educational uses; associated on-site roadway improvements; utility improvements; parks, open space, and greenbelts; and off-site improvements. The proposed project would require discretionary approvals, including a Sphere of Influence Amendment, Annexation, General Plan Amendment, Pre-Zoning, and Development Agreement. The project will also include a Baseline Project Features agreement into which the developer will enter and be bound by to ensure inclusion of the agreed-to project features.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Davis Village Farms Davis Project
City of Davis Village Farms Davis