SCH Number 2023100477

Project Info

Indian Grinding Rock Trestle Walkway Head Cut Stabilization
Project proposes to add stabilization measures to the head cut beneath the accessible trestle walkway, near the main park entrance at Indian Grinding Rock State Historic Park to reduce the potential for further erosion of the head cut. The head cut is created by the discharge of culverts under both the park entrance road and Pine Grove Volcano Road. Current conditions of the head cut include actively expanding the 7’ – 8’ drop in the channel that risks damaging existing infrastructure including the trestle walkway, the park entrance road, and Pine Grove Volcano Road.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
California Department of Parks and Recreation Trestle Walkway Head Cut Stabilization - Amendment
California Department of Parks and Recreation Indian Grinding Rock Trestle Walkway Head Cut Stabilization