SCH Number 2023100288

Project Info

SPR 23-009 / TTM 23-003/GPA 23-001/ ZC 23-001
The applicant (Maison’s Sierra Phase I, LP) proposes to construct and operate a 2-phase, 100% affordable, private, gated housing development. All units within the development would be rental units. Phase I consists of a 196-unit development. Each lot within the project would contain a primary residence and an accessory dwelling unit with off street parking. Additionally, open space/recreational facilities including a pool would be provided throughout the community, an additional parking facility would be provided for the adjacent Mariposa Park, and a drainage basin would be provided at the northwest corner of the development. Access to the development would be from two driveways along Sierra Highway. Phase II would be developed after Phase I and includes up to 303 affordable units for seniors with similar amenities as Phase I. As part of the proposed project, a tentative tract map, general plan amendment and zone change have also been requested. The tentative tract map would subdivide the subject property into the necessary number of lots to accommodate the units in Phase I and Phase II along with the open and common space lots. A total of 99 residential lots and 7 common spaces lots would be crated for Phase 1 and one large remainder lot would be created for Phase 2. The general plan designation and zoning on the subject property is currently a of residential and park zoning; the general plan amendment would change the designation across the entire site to MR1 (Multi-Residential 1) and the zoning to MDR (Moderate Density Residential).
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Lancaster GPA 23-001, ZC 23-001, TTM 23-003 (84221), SPR 23-009
City of Lancaster SPR 23-009 / TTM 23-003/GPA 23-001/ ZC 23-001