SCH Number 2023090412

Project Info

Hidden Canyon Test Well Production Plan
West bay Exploration is requesting approval of a production plan (Case No 22PPP-00000-00001) to grade one new well pad, approximately 0.996 acres in size (140’ x 310’), to drill one new test well for oil and gas exploration off of School House Canyon Rd in New Cuyama in Santa Barbara County. The surface elevation is 1,983.8 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) and the Target Depth is approximately 11,000 feet below ground level. No permanent facilities are proposed besides the single wellhead following drilling operations. The project would be implemented in two phases; Well Drilling and Well Plugging and Abandonment. Preparation and grading of the drill site would take approximately 5 days to complete. During site preparation activities the proposed project site would be graded, watered and compacted to establish a level and solid foundation for the drilling rig. Material would be balanced onsite. Drilling of the Well would last approximately 14 days. Non-hazardous waste (primarily drilling mud and cuttings) would be a product of this phase and it would be transported to E & P Waste. Grading includes 4,521 cubic yards of cut and 5,482 cubic yards of fill to account for the 25% compaction factor for shrinkage over a 10% grade. Therefore 961 cubic yards would be imported. Once dug, the well would be abandoned. No gas production is proposed as a part of the project. There are no permanent facilities proposed except for the single wellhead following successful drilling operations. One daily operator site visit would occur to ensure compliance with Code and well safety.
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4 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Santa Barbara County Hidden Canyon Test Well Production Plan Mitigated Negative Declaration
Santa Barbara County Hidden Canyon Test West Production Plan
Santa Barbara County Hidden Canyon Test Well Production Plan
Santa Barbara County Hidden Canyon Test Well Production Plan