SCH Number 2023090238

Project Info

Sugar Bowl Sewer Extension Project
The proposed project (Project) includes extending existing sewer mains to service existing residences in the Sugar Bowl Property Owners residential subdivision at the base of the Sugar Bowl Ski Resort in Placer County. The residences are currently served by individual onsite wastewater disposal systems (septic systems). The Project consists of two phases: Phase 1 consists of excavating trenches and installing two sewer collection lines totaling approximately 1,420 linear feet. The Phase 1 sewer collection lines would serve 32 residences. Phase 2 consists of excavating trenches and installing gravity flow collection lines totaling approximately 3,100 linear feet. The Phase 2 sewer collection lines would provide service to 25 residences. The new sewer mains would be installed primarily within the existing roadway sections to minimize tree removals and impacts outside of the roadway section. Sewer main collector lines in the street would generally be 6-inch diameter while laterals serving individual properties would be 4-inch diameter. Manholes would be 48 inches and end of line cleanouts and manholes would be placed intermittently per code. A segment of the Phase 2 sewer collection line would cross under the South Yuba River and would be placed using jack-and-bore directional drilling to avoid disturbance to the bed and bank of the river. Trenching and pipe installation would be completed without disturbing an existing culvert that crosses Mule Ears Drive and the Project would not disturb the aquatic features along Mule Ears Drive. Construction staging areas would be limited to previously developed areas.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
Donner Summit Public Utility District Sugar Bowl Sewer Extension Project (Streambed Alteration Agreement EPIMS Notification No. PLA-41556-R2)
Donner Summit Public Utility District Sugar Bowl Sewer Extension Project
Donner Summit Public Utility District Sugar Bowl Sewer Extension Project