SCH Number 2023060450

Project Info

SPR 22-11 and TAPM NO. 83994
The proposed Project consists of an application for a Site Plan Review (SPR No. 22-11) and a Tentative Administrative Parcel Map (TAPM) 083994)). TAPM No. 083994 is a proposed map to subdivide the property into two parcels. SPR 22-11 would allow for the construction and operation of two buildings proposed for light industrial and general warehousing uses with a combined total building area of 233,600 square feet on an approximately 11.83-acre vacant property in the City of Lancaster, California.
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3 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
City of Lancaster Lancaster Forbes 12 Project (Western Joshua Tree Conservation Act (WJTCA) Incidental Take Permit No. 1927-ITP-2024-035-05 (ITP))
City of Lancaster Site Plan Review No. 22-11 and Tentative Administrative Parcel Map No. 083994
City of Lancaster SPR 22-11 and TAPM NO. 83994