SCH Number 2023020618

Project Info

East Bennet Village Parcel 1 Minor Use Permit and Parcel Map
A request by Doug Filipponi (Applicant), for a Minor Use Permit (MUP) to allow for the construction of a 2,675-square-foot quick service restaurant with a drive-through, a 3,200-square-foot convenience store with a detached gas station with eight fuel dispensers, a 1,170-square-foot single car wash tunnel, and on- and off-site improvements on a single 2.47-acre parcel known as East Bennet Village Parcel 1 (Assessor’s Parcel Number [APN] 040-372-017) (project). Also requested is a Vesting Tentative Parcel Map (CO22-0034) to subdivide the parcel into two individual parcels of 1.16 and 1.31 acres. The project includes three adjustments: (1) a 15% reduction in required parking spaces per the shared parking adjustment outlined in County Land Use Ordinance (LUO) Section 22.18.020.D; (2) an increase in the total signage area from 237 square feet to 1,229 square feet per LUO Section 22.20.040.A.2; and, (3) a request to allow drive-through facilities within 500 feet of a residential land use category as required by the Templeton Community Design Plan Standard V.F.4. The project would result in 26,128 cubic yards of earthwork (11,053 cubic yards of cut and 15,075 cubic yards of fill) and would result in 2.57 acres of on- and off-site disturbance. The project site is within the Commercial Retail land use category, located on the north side of Las Tablas Road, between Bennet Road, and Duncan Road in the community of Templeton (Figure 1 and Figure 2). The project is within the Salinas River Sub Area of the North County Planning Area.
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2 documents in project

Type Lead/Public Agency Received Title
San Luis Obispo County East Bennet Village Parcel 1 Minor Use Permit
San Luis Obispo County East Bennet Village Parcel 1 Minor Use Permit and Parcel Map